Best Organic Seedling Food
What do you feed seeds and seedlings? How about something gentle, organic, that won’t burn your plants but will give them a healthy headstart? The answer is VermisTerra Vitality.

What’s the difference between VermisTerra’s Worm Casting Tea and Vitality?
Vitality vs Earthworm Casting Tea Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis,

Safe fertilizer for Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Safe fertilizer for use in Zoo and Botanical Gardens Announcing our newest customer: 🌵 The Living Desert Zoo and Botanical

Magic Potion, everything produces like crazy
Magic potion, everything produces like crazy “This stuff is the magic potion for the garden! It improves the health and

Build Healthy Soil Foundation with VermisTerra
Build Healthy Soil Foundation with VermisTerra In the past, we had more issues with insect pests, plant diseases, and stressed

Vitality Castings Poop as Rooting Hormone
Vitality Worm Castings as Rooting Hormone We’ve been using Vermisterra’s Vitality for rooting and the results have been epic! Soak

Spraying with Vitality reduced aphids and white flies
Spraying Vitality reduced aphid and white fly populations Build healthy soil by adding the BEST organic material: worm castings. Also

Healthy Soil is Foundation to a Healthy Thriving Garden
Healthy Soil is the Foundation to a healthy productive garden Before we sow seeds and plant we need to build

Carnivorous pitcher plant grew quickly, is thriving with VermisTerra Vitality
Carnivorous pitcher plant grew quickly, is thriving My carnivorous pitcher plant is thriving after receiving VermisTerra Vitality. I’ve had them

Biggest and Best Strawberries
There is so much confusion on how to fertilize your strawberries. Here is your definitive guide to growing the BIGGEST

Worm Castings vs Compost
Earthworms vermicompost is proving to be highly nutritive ‘organic fertilizer’ and more powerful ‘growth promoter’ over the conventional composts and

Vermisterra Tea saves family Royal Poinciana tree
VermisTerra Tea rescues family Royal Poinciana tree Mr. Hsieh wanted to save a dying Flame Tree (Royal Poinciana) growing outside

Brought My Tomatoes Back with Vitality
Brought Tomatoes Back with Vitality Previous Next “Don’t get discouraged, you can still save your dying tomato or pepper plants

This Stuff is Gold
This Stuff is Gold “This stuff is like gold. It’s unbelievable. It’s like crack for plants. I use it all

Leaf Miners Gone with VermisTerra Tea
Leaf Miners Gone with VermisTerra Tea I noticed some leaf miners on my watermelon leaves so I mixed up some

Evidence-based Benefits of Vermicompost!
Evidence-based Benefits of Vermicompost! When it comes to gardening, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tested truths from old

Crazy growth on Meyer Lemon
Crazy Growth on Meyer Lemon “Look at the crazy new growth and how huge the leaves are on this Meyer

Biggest growth explosion
Biggest growth explosion with Vitality I added Vitality on a Sunday, 1% strength, and by Friday it had all the

Green New Growth on Yellowing Houseplant
Green New Growth on Yellowing Houseplant “I had 2 pothos that were struggling with very yellow leaves. I tried Vitality,

Vitality liquid concentrated worm castings – super food for veggies
Vitality- Liquid Concentrated Worm Castings – A super food for my veggies This season I found this great liquid worm

Worm Castings and Coco Coir Mix, A Great seed starter and veggies
Here’s a helpful post by Home Gardening with Pete. We couldn’t agree more with the benefits of starting seeds in

Banana tripled in size, in couple months
“Vitality definitely has helped with the soil health in my new planted area. My banana has tripled in size over

Crazy cluster of eggplants, Marigold bounced back
At the end of the season, Oksana wasn’t expecting this eggplant to give anything more. “After adding Vitality at Supercharge

How to Create Living Topsoil Using VermisTerra
You’ve probably heard the saying: healthy soil means healthy plants. It’s easy to condition your existing soil with vital nutrients

Best Resources & Tips for Growing a Truly Bountiful Garden
Best Resources & Tips for Growing a Truly Bountiful Garden If you’re looking to get your own garden started, you

Astronomical results on Peppers- Snapped out of shock and explosive growth
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]”I had astronomical results with the worm tea! My peppers produced 4 times more then they normally do! It also

Soil Microbes & Sustainable Farming: Basics Explained
In 2020, we need sustainable agriculture more than ever. If you’re unfamiliar with the term, the gist of it is

No more white flies
“I have 80 variety of plumeria. Thanks to your product, I had no white flies last year. The year before,

No more “black rot” in cabbage
Mr. Kang grows cabbage and broccoli in Taiwan. He works with a group of growers who export to Canada. After

Cucumbers see improved production and quality
Mr. Ding from Chiayi county, Taiwan uses “non-toxic, safe cultivation management practices” to produce high quality cucumbers. He started testing

Beautiful Morning Glory – more productivity, speed and uniform growth
Mr. Wei grows kongxincai (aka water spinach or morning glory) in Taiwan. “Although the temperature was low recently, it did not

Organic Bitter Gourd – improved soil problems, more output and less disease
“Previously, the soil on our farm had problems due to salt. We tried VermisTerra worm tea and saw improvement in

Winery “the best grapes we had all year”
“Last year was super tough because we didn’t have much of a winter. So things started to bud out in

How to Use VermisTerra Worm Tea and Castings
Misilla from Learn to Grow shows us how she feeds her garden with earthworm tea and castings. She goes over

Skeptic has double harvest, no horn worms
“I’ve been growing tomatoes my whole life: heirlooms, cherries and beef steaks. I’m a skeptic, but I used worm tea

Huge Rhubarb, astonishing tomato and strawberries
Check out this video featuring harvesting big rhubarb from Misilla’s channel: Learn To Grow. She said a lot of her

Wine Grape Vineyard Very Pleased with Worm Tea Results
Dennis Erickson, owner of Erickson’s Vines, Fallbrook CA tell us about his 6 year old cabernet franc vineyard. After using

The Best Year – Healthier Vines, Less Pests, 26 BRIX
Dennis Erickson, owner of Erickson’s Vines, Fallbrook CA tells us about the changes to his vineyard after applying VermisTerra tea

California Gardening Reviews VermisTerra Products
This month Youtube v-log channel California Gardening reviewed VermisTerra products and applied both castings and tea. Stay connected to see

Why Haven’t You Heard of VermisTerra?
Agronomist Peter Viss explains why not many of heard of VermisTerra. Sometimes something comes along that’s so different, hard to

VermisTerra as Alternative to Fumigation – ROI, and Value of Vermisterra
Agronomist Peter Viss, shares about Vermisterra, a “biological wonder”, what makes it special, what problems it may fix. He uses it

Larger Edamame Pods
This year we planted 30 plots of edamame, planting them in two batches. After using the tea, it improved the

Amazing Results – Tomatoes Grown With and Without VermisTerra Tea
Misilla from Learn to Grow shares amazing results from her experiment growing tomatoes with and without VermisTerra earthworm casting tea

Urban Farmer and Agronomist Discuss VermisTerra Its Effects
Jamil Burns, urban farmer and owner of Raised Roots interviews agronomist and nut tree expert, Peter Viss. They discuss VermisTerra

Agronomist Discusses Benefits of VermisTerra Aged Earthworm Castings and Tea
This year VermisTerra attended the World AG Expo in Tulare and passed out samples and information about our aged castings,

HydroSpiral is the premier root watering system on the market
‘According to the EPA, “An American family of four can use 400 gallons of water per day, and about 30

Finally produced grapes! Tripled my pepper production and size
I planted two champagne grapes a few years ago and they never produced for me. I watered regularly, amended the

Paraplegic Has Best Cucumbers Ever, Petunias All in Bloom
I am a paraplegic and use a wheelchair and love to garden. I’ve been using VermisTerra earthworm castings in my

Saved From The Brink of Death
Flower lover and 3rd grade teacher Chris Lunney shares how VermisTerra tea saved her precious clematis flowers from “the brink

Indoor Plants Perked Right Up
“Last year I met these awesome people (points to VermisTerra bottle) at a trade show and got some samples. Let