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Vermisterra Tea saves family Royal Poinciana tree

VermisTerra Tea rescues family Royal Poinciana tree

Mr. Hsieh wanted to save a dying Flame Tree (Royal Poinciana) growing outside the home he grew up in Taiwan. The old tree was diseased, not growing leaves, and drying up.

This tree was special to him. His grandfather planted it 70 – 80 years ago. So he really did not want to lose it. A tree expert quoted him $7,000 USD to change out the soil around the tree, and pump nutrients around it. 

He decided to try using VermisTerra tea starting April 6, 2019 (see first row of Before photos). He would give the tree a little tea when watering it. After 10 days he started to see new growth. By August 14, 2019, it was full of green growth, like a new tree (see 2nd row of After photos).

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Brought My Tomatoes Back with Vitality

Brought Tomatoes Back with Vitality

“Don’t get discouraged, you can still save your dying tomato or pepper plants

I have a variety of tomato plants and most are located at the east end of plot-A where they get mostly morning 🌞 sun and they are still producing

But I have two that are located at the west end of plot-A that mostly get hot 🥵 afternoon 🌞 sun

The sun almost totally destroyed them (see photos A & B)

They produced a boatload of tomatoes 🍅 before the hot weather moved in. We have had almost 15 straight days of over 100 degrees (f) in July

The first thing I did was to trim both plants down from four feet tall to about 18 inches

I also removed all the foliage from the remaining stems

Then I amended my soil medium with a dose of compost

Next, I added a dose of vitality earth worm castings tea twice in a one week span

Take a look at the left hand corner of the photo above. My once dying tomato plant has begun to grow strong and produce new foliage after one week of applying vitality

I also use this concentrated product when growing my seedlings and feeding my plants on a regular schedule

The vitality worm tea provided my tomato plant with the necessary nutrients and hormones to bring it back from the brink of death

I expect the growth to continue and produce a boatload of tomatoes 🍅 before my first expected frost date

This is an amazing product”

– Instagram @home_gardening_with_pete

Home Gardening with Pete

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Leaf Miners Gone with VermisTerra Tea

Leaf Miners Gone with VermisTerra Tea

I noticed some leaf miners on  my watermelon leaves so I mixed up some VermisTerra tea and applied it because I knew it worked on the citrus trees before. The result was amazing next day the leaf miners where gone on the watermelon so I did some research this is what I found:

     Worm Castings and VermisTerra tea contain an enzyme called Chitinase.  Leaf miners, aphids, mealy bugs, white fly, ants, spider mites don’t survive with it.  When they start nibbling on the plants or trees and eat the Chitinase it will dissolve their soft skeletal structure and they go away.  Amazing.

     If you look close, you can see where a leaf miner was before it died.  Like you said the egg hatched but didn’t last long after eating a little after being sprayed with worm tea.  It’s amazing. The Vitality is working Great too, have dipped all my plumeria cuttings in it before planting.  They have all rooted.

-Buddy Knowles, Master Gardener in Sky Valley, California

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Evidence-based Benefits of Vermicompost!

Evidence-based Benefits of Vermicompost!

When it comes to gardening, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tested truths from old wives’ tales. And while there is certainly value in knowledge that is passed down from generations of gardeners, it’s also vital to understand how and why things work the way they do.

It’s easy for us to see some of the benefits of things with our own eyes, but there are so many other things that we can’t understand or see without testing them in a scientific manner! For instance, we know that vermicompost (worm castings) has a positive effect on our gardens. We can easily see that when we look at the increased growth rates and the decrease of pests and diseases associated with using worm castings. 

But, why does it work that way? How, exactly, do worm castings benefit our garden plants? That’s a question that agricultural scientists and soil scientists have actively been investigating! While there’s still a lot more for us to learn, they have already found some amazing results! 

So, let’s take a look at some of the “scientist tested and approved” ways that worm castings can benefit our garden plants!

Protection From Certain Diseases

Many people report much lower levels of diseases in their plants after using worm castings. While there is so much more to learn, scientists definitely identified at least one plant disease that can be reduced through the use of vermicompost. A Cornell study has shown that vermicomposted soil helped to protect seedlings from Pythium aphanidermatum, which is also commonly known as the dreaded “damping off” disease which can devastate young seedlings.

Faster Growth & Healthier Seedlings

In greenhouse trials, adding 10% vermicompost to a seed starting soil base mix showed a significant increase in the growth rate of seedlings. This growth was believed to be due to the higher amount of soluble nitrogen that vermicompost offers compared to traditional composts. Starting with healthy seedlings is a vital part of developing mature plants that will be less susceptible to diseases and pests – thereby strengthening your entire garden! Plus, healthy nutrient-dense plants will provide better nutrients when they are consumed!

Creation of Healthy, Living Soil Full of Beneficial Microorganisms

In another study, scientists found an increase in communities of beneficial soil microorganisms in fields where certain seedlings had been sown. So what was it about these seedlings that gave the soil microorganisms a boost? You guessed it: vermicompost! The seedlings in this study were started with vermicompost mixed into the soil mix. And, even more excitingly, the scientists found that the test fields with the vermicompost were the only ones that still had significant levels of microorganism communities at the time of harvest! This study helps demonstrate how efficient vermicompost is in creating healthy living soil!

Article reshared from Planted Places community.

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Biggest growth explosion

Biggest growth explosion with Vitality

I added Vitality on a Sunday, 1% strength, and by Friday it had all the new sprouts you see in the picture. Today (1 month later) there are three times as many new sprouts!  

I also added some regular strength (where one bottle of vitality fills a five-gallon bucket of water) Vitality to my cutting that I planted in March.  They are all growing rapidly and my Thumbelina actually is blooming (it was just a cutting in March) already! Temperatures this past week are averaging 105 F.

The five-gallon bucket handled the 13 potted/planted plumerias that you filmed a few years back, and they all have strong, shiny new growth, and 8 of them are blooming profusely. 

                                  – Karen B. Palm Desert, CA 

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Green New Growth on Yellowing Houseplant

Green New Growth on Yellowing Houseplant

“I had 2 pothos that were struggling with very yellow leaves.

I tried Vitality, the new product on them. After just one application there was new growth.

I only gave it a couple waterings with worm tea after. Here is the after photo- 6 weeks later. It is a whole new plant. Really amazing stuff.”                        -Keith G. La Quinta, CA

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Vitality liquid concentrated worm castings – super food for veggies

Vitality- Liquid Concentrated Worm Castings – A super food for my veggies

This season I found this great liquid worm castings solution and wanted to share the results with my followers

(1) Vitality is a micronized worm ? castings extract liquid form. It is more pure than premium worm ? castings (more bacteria and fungi value)
(2) odor free (all natural), safe for pets, kids and pollinators
(3) all the benefits of worm ? castings in a liquid concentrated form and a little goes a long way
(does not expire even after diluting)
(4) after applying to my soil medium, my strawberry ? plants grew faster and healthier (see top photo #1)
(5) after adding to my seed starter mix, my seedlings germinated faster and were more healthier (see photo #3)
(6) after my green pepper ? plant was about 3 feet tall, I started feeding it with Vitality on a bi-weekly schedule and now it is almost 6 feet tall and still very productive (see photo #4)
(7) I applied to several of my shrubs and saw quicker new growth in about three weeks (see photo #5)
(8) my okra plants are now over 7 feet tall and still producing after just one feeding of vitality solution (see photo #6)
(9) after adding vitality to my soil medium a few weeks before transplanting my yellow bell pepper seedlings, all of my yellow bell pepper plants are super productive and continues to flower (see photo #7)
(10) I found it to be very beneficial when applying to my flowers and cabbage ? plants (see photos #8 & 9)

✅ followers, if you like adding worm ? castings to your soil medium, then you will love worm castings in this liquid concentrated form. The overall growth , health and production after using Vitality was amazing!

Special Note: Vermisterra is offering my followers a 10 percent discount -just use code: “homegardenwithpete” at checkout

#liquidwormcastings #wormcastings#concentratedwormcastings#homegardening #fertilizer #plantfood#organicgardening #organicvegetables#backyardgardening #gardentips#gardenebooks #liquidfertilizer

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Worm Castings and Coco Coir Mix, A Great seed starter and veggies

Here’s a helpful post by Home Gardening with Pete. We couldn’t agree more with the benefits of starting seeds in a coco coir and worm castings soilless mix!

✅ I found that the non-soil option is especially great when growing veggies in containers or seed starter trays
✅ this past season I used only coconut coir, worm casting and a dose of organic fertilizer as a soil growing medium to grow several varieties of veggies. (Swipe photos to view examples)
✅ all I did was to add a mixture of 75 percent coconut coir, 25 percent worm ? castings and a small dose of organic fertilizer
✅ starting seeds in a soil-free medium provides the seeds with moisture necessary for germination without the risk of fungal growth or diseases that maybe transferred through regular garden soil, compost or potting soil
✅ using the soil free planting medium helps to build healthier plants without the threat of fungal spores, bacteria, nematodes, insects and weeds
✅ the combination of coconut coir and worm ? castings as a growing medium provides your plants with:
?a cleaner growing medium
? great for indoor and outdoor containers
?great for starting your seedlings in seed starter trays
?better drainage
?better overall water and nutrient retention
?soil-less mix is much lighter than soil (easy to relocate containers when required)
✅ this soil-less medium does not require dirty hands
✅ coconut coir is a great replacement for peat moss
✅ worm ? casting is becoming a go to supplement /fertilizer when you want to provide your veggies with the necessary growth hormones and nutrients
✅ this soil-free method is super great for house ? plants
✅ to amend for the next growing season, just mix in a dose of organic fertilizer and a dose of worm castings

Special Note: The bottom line is that you can grow healthier and more productive veggies without using garden soil, compost, perlite or potting soil. And if you do not have any worm castings or coconut coir, order using code-“homegardenwithpete” for a 10 percent discount.

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Crazy cluster of eggplants, Marigold bounced back

At the end of the season, Oksana wasn’t expecting this eggplant to give anything more. “After adding Vitality at Supercharge rate, it grew a crazy cluster in only 2 weeks!

I had an almost dead Marigold. After Vitality application it bounced back the next day and was flowering within a couple of days.”

– @oxanagymn, Former athlete in Miami, FL

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Best Resources & Tips for Growing a Truly Bountiful Garden

Best Resources & Tips for Growing a Truly Bountiful Garden

If you’re looking to get your own garden started, you should know that growing a healthy and productive garden doesn’t have to be complicated. You just need to have the right gardening tips and know-how to make sure you have the right setup, along with the right plants and the right routine for taking care of your plants. 

If you’re not sure where to begin, these helpful resources will come in handy. 

Starting Your New Garden 

The key to helping a garden flourish is to get it off to the right start, so use these resources: 

  • Prep the soil in your new garden using a high quality fertilizer and a few basic tools. When using VermisTerra, you can reduce the amount of other fertilizers by 50-70%.
  • VermisTerra is a perfect choice when you want to grow a safe and organic garden. 
  • Irrigation is also important, consider options like spray or rotor sprinkler systems. 
  • But you will also want to look for ways to conserve water with your garden.  Earthworm castings help your soil with water retention.
  • Flow control valves can save water and prevent overwatering, just verify you have the right kind for your situation. 

Choosing Your New Plants 

You can also ensure success by picking the right plants, so be sure to think about these tips: 

  • How much space you have and whether you will be using containers. We recommend using VermisTerra coco coir with chips mixed with earthworm castings to make your own potting mix.
  • Even in a small interior, you can grow several edible plants. 
  • But you can also make the most of a small space by using trellises to grow veggies. 
  • Choosing complimentary plants will also help keep your garden healthy and vibrant. 
  • For instance, planting flowers with herbs and veggies is a great way to attract pollinators. VermisTerra is safe on pollinators and the environment.

Keeping Your Garden Healthy 

Once your seeds are planted, a little care can go a long way. So keep these tips in mind: 

  • Watering at the right times and intervals is crucial for maximizing your yields. 
  • An irrigation system can make watering easier but also consider using timers
  • Scorching summer temps can damage plants so make sure yours are protected. Earthworm castings help plants better handle extreme temperatures.
  • But colder weather can also damage vegetables, so also know when to harvest
  • You can also add certain plants to extend the life of your garden into the winter. 

You don’t have to feel anxious or stressed about growing your first garden, especially when you use VermisTerra products to help you get off to a great start. Just get out in your yard and start working out that green thumb! Before you know it, you will have more food than you know what to do with. 


Written for VermisTerra by Carrie Spencer 

Photo: By Elias Morr on Unsplash