Farmer’s Appreciation Day and Visiting Derby Orchard

Uncle Steve and Mindy went on a road trip to Yuba City, a big agricultural area near Sacramento. We had a great time sharing the benefits of earthworm castings and worm casting tea. We met with almond, peach, prune, and walnut farmers at the Farmer’s Appreciation Lunch. Attorneys, council members, and farmers checked out tractors, solar panels and organic soil! We ate some amazing Indian food and American BBQ!
Then we ended the day with a tour of Derby Orchard to see their prune and walnut trees. We chatted about worm castings, chemical vs organic fertilizers, correcting soil problems, the joys of farming after decades working in the corporate world. Uncle Steve checked their soil and trees, and was able to explain some of the causes of a couple challenges. Then we did a taste test while blind folded to prove that different brands and types of walnuts taste completely different. We really love the ladies at Derby Orchard and their dedication to fresh walnuts. Check out their Facebook page HERE. On our tour of the walnut orchards, we met the Derby girl’s two rescue pups, saw the neat harvesting machinery, and even got to hang out with their miniature ponies!