HydroSpiral is the premier root watering system on the market

‘According to the EPA, “An American family of four can use 400 gallons of water per day, and about 30 percent of that is devoted to outdoor uses. More than half of that outdoor water is used for watering lawns and gardens. Nationwide, landscape irrigation is estimated to account for almost one-third of all residential water use, totaling more than 7 billion gallons per day.”
A typical suburban home on a 1⁄4 acre lot uses between 2500 gallons and 2700 gallons of water per watering cycle. That’s a 40 percent system efficiency rate, which means only about 1000 gallons of that water goes to actually maintaining the landscape. The rest is wasted in overspray onto hardscapes and evaporation.
As a licensed irrigator, I accept the challenge of aiming for 100 percent efficiency, so I set out to create ‘Holistic Water Management Systems’, that renew the land, reduce runoff, and help recharge the aquifers. When given the opportunity to incorporate this model in a 30 acre food forest using alternative water sources, I knew this was my chance to design a state of the art, high efficiency, water management system that would help revivify and regenerate the surrounding landscape. Upon researching the most cutting edge tools on the market, I was elated to learn about the University of Arizona’s study in increasing tree growth by 48 percent.
There are several other products on the market similar to the HydroSpiral. After extensive research and lab analysis, I found that in the end it was HydroSpiral’s unique design that makes it the superior product on the market. No other brand features the spiral design that keeps it free and clear of sand and sediment without having to purchase a “sand sleeve” at additional cost. This unique design, coupled with the fact that the HydroSpiral is made from post consumer recycled materials, and costs about a1⁄3 of its competitors products, the choice was clear.
My opinion, as a professional irrigator is that the HydroSpiral is the premier root watering system on the market. They install easy and fast and are versatile with regard to active or passive systems.
Any irrigator looking to create a more Earth sustainable business model should have access to this technology. Homeowners looking to create a few beautiful, fast growing statement trees should have this in their tool kit. Farmers, permaculturists, landscape architects, or hobbyist seeking to maximize growth and yeild while helping to heal the land, should include this tool. The more we turn away from excessive and wasteful practices, and toward regenerative, holistic methods of cultivation, the closer we get to permanent solutions to many of our global problems.
I unequivocally recommend the HydroSpiral to anyone looking to plant a tree. The best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, the second best time is today.’
Brenton “Brently” Donnell
Holistic Water Manager Licensed Irrigator
LI 23853
Irrigator-In-Charge SymbiosisTX.com