Evidence-based Benefits of Vermicompost!

Evidence-based Benefits of Vermicompost!
When it comes to gardening, it can sometimes be hard to decipher tested truths from old wives’ tales. And while there is certainly value in knowledge that is passed down from generations of gardeners, it’s also vital to understand how and why things work the way they do.
It’s easy for us to see some of the benefits of things with our own eyes, but there are so many other things that we can’t understand or see without testing them in a scientific manner! For instance, we know that vermicompost (worm castings) has a positive effect on our gardens. We can easily see that when we look at the increased growth rates and the decrease of pests and diseases associated with using worm castings.
But, why does it work that way? How, exactly, do worm castings benefit our garden plants? That’s a question that agricultural scientists and soil scientists have actively been investigating! While there’s still a lot more for us to learn, they have already found some amazing results!
So, let’s take a look at some of the “scientist tested and approved” ways that worm castings can benefit our garden plants!
Protection From Certain Diseases
Many people report much lower levels of diseases in their plants after using worm castings. While there is so much more to learn, scientists definitely identified at least one plant disease that can be reduced through the use of vermicompost. A Cornell study has shown that vermicomposted soil helped to protect seedlings from Pythium aphanidermatum, which is also commonly known as the dreaded “damping off” disease which can devastate young seedlings.
Faster Growth & Healthier Seedlings
In greenhouse trials, adding 10% vermicompost to a seed starting soil base mix showed a significant increase in the growth rate of seedlings. This growth was believed to be due to the higher amount of soluble nitrogen that vermicompost offers compared to traditional composts. Starting with healthy seedlings is a vital part of developing mature plants that will be less susceptible to diseases and pests – thereby strengthening your entire garden! Plus, healthy nutrient-dense plants will provide better nutrients when they are consumed!
Creation of Healthy, Living Soil Full of Beneficial Microorganisms
In another study, scientists found an increase in communities of beneficial soil microorganisms in fields where certain seedlings had been sown. So what was it about these seedlings that gave the soil microorganisms a boost? You guessed it: vermicompost! The seedlings in this study were started with vermicompost mixed into the soil mix. And, even more excitingly, the scientists found that the test fields with the vermicompost were the only ones that still had significant levels of microorganism communities at the time of harvest! This study helps demonstrate how efficient vermicompost is in creating healthy living soil!

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