How to Create Living Topsoil Using VermisTerra

You’ve probably heard the saying: healthy soil means healthy plants. It’s easy to condition your existing soil with vital nutrients in VermisTerra Earthworm Castings. Users report less disease, less pests in the garden while seeing more vigorous growth, more yield and better flavor.
Certain types of potting soils need to be replaced over time. When using Vermisterra high quality worm products, you can reuse this topsoil by planting in it again and again. The soil will get better with each year. Learn to create this great soil, maintain it and the science behind why it works.
How to make Vermisterra Top Soil
You can use VermisTerra products to condition the native soil in your yard, or to create a topsoil to be used as potting mix. Place this fluffy topsoil on your native soil or you can fill and grow in containers. It’s easy, just blend three parts VermisTerra coco coir with chips with one part earthworm castings. Feed VermisTerra Earthworm Tea into the mix to keep the microbial life abundant.
Now, relax! With this easy formula, be confident that beneficial microbes are constantly working in your soil. These powerful microbes work day and night to create food for your plants. Earthworm castings also include beneficial fungi, which encourage root growth, and can protect your plant’s roots from soil borne diseases.
VermisTerra Coco Coir
Our coco coir brick is different because it includes small chips which help with aeration. As the coco coir breaks down, it turns into a loamy soil because it releases a perfect ratio of carbon and nitrogen. The microbes in our castings and tea also improve soil structure, thereby improving aeration as well. Unlike potting mixes that harden, this blend will stay loose and easy to work with. Your plants will thank you.
Regenerate and Maintaining the Soil
Here are a few steps that you may take to prepare your used topsoil or potting soil. If you are growing in containers, at the end of the season, pull the plant and roots out. You can leave small root hairs intact. Then dump that potting mix in a pile outside and let it sit and dry out for at least a month. If rain or snow gets on it, you may need to wait longer. The goal is to let the dead material dry out. Add Vermisterra Tea during this time to encourage our microbe friends to break down of any residual leaf or root material.
When it’s ready, mix with some fresh coco coir and earthworm castings at a rate of 20% old refreshed potting mix and 80% new coco coir and castings mix. After a few cycles the soil will look more and more like rich forest soil. Eventually you can leave this on your native soil as it will break down into a loamy consistency.